Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mark Robbins-Penniman

I think that my favorite video was the third one, which was all about tagging. I think that videos like this really allow students to be proud of their creativity. By creating the video of his work and having it posted to a public viewing site it acknowledges that Kayne’s graffiti is legitimate and worthy of noting. I think this would be more along the effect of what I would use in my classroom. Having students do videocasts that recognize their abilities is something I think would really get them engaged in the activity. I think the only thing I would change is that the video would be more focused on the students’ writing.

Concerning all of these videos, I think that it is important to recognize that they all show different things student videos can do, and also that these are not the only ways that video casting can be useful in the classroom. Just like there are numerous writing and reading activities, there are many ways that video casting can be used (I’m guessing that we haven’t even seen scratched the surface). I think what this shows us is that we as teachers need to keep looking for new ways to use these technologies for our students so that they have the opportunity to perform dynamic and useful classroom activities.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nicole Lopez Task 2

I could not see the first video, it apparently would not upload for me. The second video was really cute with the little boy going to see President Obama. It was very professional especially with the boy wearing a nice suit. It also shows another side of the President. The third video was pretty mellow just talking about the History of Graffiti. The shots were a lot quicker and did not take the regular interview route in comparison to the second video.
The use of video casting benefited the students in different ways because they were portraying two completely different aspects. The more urban feel with the third video went well with it and the interview perspective benefited the second video. They were giving us different information and each video does just that.
The most beneficial I believe would be the second video because it gives the audience information about education and his interview but students will stay tuned because of the little boy. He kept my attention because he was so intelligent for his age. I loved it!

Chris Shelley

I like the video "Student Reporter Damon Weaver Interviews President Barrack Obama." This was my favorite video because it looks very much like formal publishing on a very important subject outside of the classroom. I appreciate this video because it has a purpose other than entertainment: This video is meant to be informative; it falls into the category of real news. This video appeals to students about the importance and their involvement in news as well as real and even national issues, such as this video does with politics.
I see two big ways that students use podcasting: First, they live podcasting because it allows them to publish themselves in a format that other people can and will see. YouTube is probably the biggest example of a place where people can and do publish home made videos. Second, students can use video podcasting to communicate with each other in ways that they can't do with audio podcasting. Students like the video element because our eyes and the sense of sight is the most used sight.

Task 2

Post your paragraphs for task 2 with your first and last name as the title.